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Awning Storage In The Off-Season



Another great part of the Laurel Awning Experience, is the way we handle your awnings in the off-season. Most people want to know:


  • Where their awnings will be stored in the off-season?

  • How they are taken care?

  • What if they need repairs or cleaned?


We have that covered for you as well!


We offer Fall take down and storage services. We come to your home and remove the fabric portion of your awning and store it in OUR facility for the winter. We can provide you with an insurance certificate to assure you that your valuable awnings are insured while stored with us.


In addition to winter storage, we can perform sewing repairs as well as clean your awnings. We are one of a few companies in our service areas that operate a well cleaning process that utilizes chemicals approved by the fabric manufactures. All of these services are done IN HOUSE. We do not ship your awning to a third party sub-contracted vendor. You can be sure, your awnings will stay protected with us in our storage facility.














When will my awnings be reinstalled?


We take pride in making sure your awnings are up by the contracted due date May 20th the following year. This time of the year is when Laurel Awning Company's expertise and abilities, shine above the competition.


We will send all of our trucks to each service area, all at one time. By teaming our trucks and installers up in a given service area, coupled with working six days a week, 12 hours per day, is reach our goal of May 20th.


You can always check the status of your when you awning will be installed with our Awning Put Up Schedule that we put up starting the day we get into the field.








1-888-567-5689 OR CLICK HERE

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