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Our Team Of Experts



You want to know who will be at your house, on your property installing your awnings.

Are they professional? How do they know what they are doing? How can I identify it is them who are at my house?


We have answered these common questions for you.


Our employees go through a formal employee training, evaluation & advancement program.


The number one complaint customers have about home improvement contractor is scary looking, unqualified workers who show up at their home in beat up old trucks that leak oil on their driveways, and leave a mess.


At Laurel Awning, all Installation Employees undergo a formal, detailed in-plant Awning installation and service training program conducted by company Managers.


In addition to proper installation techniques, trainees are taught how to conduct themselves appropriately around customers and while at customers homes.


Our installation employees are required to wear uniform shirts and hats bearing our company logo while at your premises so you may identify who is on your property.


We pay our employees a living wage with full benefits to work at jobs that can never be "exported" to other countries or to the "Sun Belt". This makes working for Laurel Awning a very desirable job to pursue in our community. Consequently we are able to be fussy about who we hire.


© 2023 by Laurel Awnings Company. All rights reserved.

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